Established in 1998, The National Shooting Centre offers the largest range complex in the world, within a major centre of population.

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The Home of Target Shooting!

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National Shooting Centre

Bisley Camp has been the home of the National Rifle Association since 1890, when the NRA moved there from Wimbledon Common; it now houses the NRA and two other National Governing Bodies for target shooting, the National Smallbore Rifle Association (NSRA) and the Clay pigeon Shooting Association (CPSA).

Apart from being able to offer a great variety of shooting, Bisley has other advantages. It is the largest range complex in the world within a major centre of population and has few restrictions such as those which now inhibit new ranges being built in populated areas.

A glance at a map will show the ranges and their associated danger areas as an oasis in a near suburban part of the South of England; and an added bonus for all, especially the naturalists, is the abundance of flora and fauna – some of which are unique to the area. The ranges are now a European Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and so protected from modern development.

History Of Bisley

The National Rifle Association left Wimbledon Common in 1889 and by the following year ranges had been built at Bisley to allow its Imperial Meeting, traditionally held for 2 weeks each July, to take place in conditions far superior by far to those which had prevailed at Wimbledon since the Association’s first Prize Meeting in 1860.

At Wimbledon the ranges had been developed over 30 years. The NRA built temporary office and catering facilities there each year, and many of the competitors and staff lived under canvas, but there were good transport links and services and ample accommodation for the less hardy. Bisley was miles further from London and had nothing. The Council had to buy land, build ranges, provide permanent accommodation, and create the infrastructure. The purchase of land cost over £13,000 and almost exhausted the reserves. The War Office provided working parties from Aldershot to level the ranges and construct the butts.

The wood and canvas offices and Pavilion, and the Clock Tower, were brought from Wimbledon and huts with 40 rooms were built. The London and South Western Railway Company, which operated the Waterloo to Southampton line, built a spur from Brookwood Station to serve the Camp, and the light tramway was relaid to connect Camp and ranges. The original range layout proved its worth in 1890 and its basic outline remains today. For a few years the NRA met the demand for clubhouses and living accommodation by renting out the buildings, but by 1894 the Association was financially overstretched and the policy changed to selling ground leases.

The Home of Target Shooting

Our Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values

National Shooting Centre Bisley

Our Purpose

To promote the practice of target shooting safely, while making the sport accessible to all.

Our Vision

Our vision is to support the largest number of target shooters, and be seen as the home of target shooting in the UK.

Our Mission

By providing the leading and most inclusive shooting facilities and events across the UK, inspiring youth and supporting the training and continual development of our sport in the most healthy, fun and focused way possible.

Champion the sport of target shooting.

”Be advocates of all types of target shooting.“

World-class facilities for a world-class sport.

”Aim to build a world class home of shooting in the UK.“

Working together to create success

”Everyone should work together, towards the same goals - all people and subsidiaries of the NRA/NSC.“

Friendly & welcoming to everyone.

”We should be welcoming and inclusive of all people; a simple smile or a friendly “hello” is enough to make people feel welcome and confident to engage.“

Safety always comes first

”Be seen to set the gold standard for range and gun safety in the UK.“

Honour tradition & open to change

”Being respectful of tradition, shouldn’t come at the expense of change - we can do both.“

Excellence in our service

”Always try to exceed the customers expectations.“

Enjoyment for all

”Break the stereotype of the typical shooter, and make the sport enjoyable for all.“

Cost conscious & value minded

”Keep costs down, but add customer value wherever possible. The little things can make a big difference to customers.“

A World-class Venue

The ranges laid out in 1890/91 are substantially similar to those of today. Stickledown (the long-distance range) was extended from 24 to 40 targets in 1903 (later 50), and the greatest distance was increased from 1100 to 1200 yards in 1910. Century was so named in 1903 when the Great Butt was widened from 90 to 100 targets (now 108).

These two very large ranges and the associated danger areas provide a framework for the siting of smaller, specialist ranges, and have proved adaptable for many new types of shooting disciplines which have evolved in the 100 years since they were designed.

Most recently, Bisley hosted all the shooting events for the 2002 Commonwealth Games. Brand new formal clay facilities were constructed and the Lord Roberts Centre was built to house a smallbore rifle range and press facilities. On the 300m range it is now possible to shoot using the latest electronic targetry.

Set in 3000 acres of Surrey heathland some 30 miles from Central London, Bisley has the unique combination of the best, most modern, and largest arrangement of shooting facilities in the world combined with colonial-style clubhouses.

Modern facilities set in a Victorian / Edwardian time warp

Bisley, apart from being able to offer a great variety of shooting, has other advantages. It is the largest range complex in the world within a major centre of population and has few restrictions such as those which now inhibit new ranges being built in populated areas.

A glance at a map will show the ranges and their associated danger areas as an oasis in a near suburban part of the South of England; and an added bonus for all, especially the naturalists, is the abundance of flora and fauna – some of which are unique to the area. The ranges are now a European Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and so protected from modern development.

It is in large part a Victorian and Edwardian time warp. Nearly all the original buildings survive and a recent massive restoration programme has put most of them in good order and to good use. Relatively little has been built since 1914 to spoil the charm of the Camp; and such as may be built hereafter must be in keeping with the older buildings now that the bulk of the Camp is formally designated a Conservation Area. Visitors from home and overseas have agreed that Bisley Camp has a special appeal. The Council of the NRA is well aware of this sentiment that does much to distinguish Bisley from ranges or shooting centres elsewhere in the world, and has resolved to maintain it so, in contrast to the inevitable brick or steel or concrete of modern constructions.

Our Popular Activities

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Target Shooting 0
Clay Shooting 0
Accommodation 0

Buffalo Target 51

Butt Zero


Time Limit


Short Siberia

Running Deer

Running Boar

National Clay Shooting Centre


Cottesloe Heath

Chobham Ridge



Zero Range

300m Range

Lord Roberts Centre

British Field Target Organisation

Bisley Shooting Ground

Inns of Courts

Inns of Court

Electronic Targets

Firearms and Accessories for Hire

Ammunition & Reloading Components

Storage Rates

The Old Sergeants Mess

Surrey Rifle Association

South London Rifle Club

Royal Marines Rifle Association

Sit Perpetuum Rifle Club

North London Rifle Club

Royal Air Force SAA

Marylebone Rifle and Pistol Club

London & Middlesex Rifle Association

National Rifle Association

English VIII

Lloyds TSB Rifle Club

Ibis Rifle Club

National Clay Shooting Centre

Fultons, South London Rifle Club, Welsh Twenty Clubhouse

British Field Targets Organisation (BFTO)

Derby Lodge (Council for Cadet Rifle Shooting)

Army Rifle Association Officers’ Mess

Bunhill Lodge

City Rifle Club

British Commonwealth Rifle Club

Artists Rifles Clubhouse

British Sporting Rifle Club

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