Chobham Ridge Improvements
Over recent months there has been further developments on Chobham Ridge range to include a new firing point in front of the Troop Shelter. This firing point consists of a further 10 yellow steel targets up to approx 300x (intended use for .22 bolt action but not solely restricted). Currently only 1 firing point is permitting to be in use at any one time.
The range will not be available for bookings between the period of 7th – 24th July due to the Imperial. However, upon reopening further developments should also have been made to include:
– A new semi-permanent structure over the back of firing point 1 to provide better sheltered conditions
– A comfort room consisting of heating and lighting
£525 for up to 8 people inclusive of an NRA RCO. Timings are from 0930-1530
New range regulations have been posted online to highlight these changes and can be found here
For futher information please contact the Range Office
Alternatively, please submit your booking via the online system.